Acupuncture is an Option for Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

Millions of people across the world and over 200,000 individuals in the United States alone suffer from multiple sclerosis (MS), an autoimmune disease which damages nerves in the brain and spinal cord. Individuals suffering from this debilitating disease experience nervous system impairment, which disrupts the brain’s communication with the body. MS produces a number of symptoms, often including fatigue, pain, muscle weakness, and sensory problems (especially eyesight).

The disease is especially difficult for sufferers and their friends and families because there is no known cure for MS. There are, however, some steps that people can take to help with recovery and to minimize the severity of symptoms. Typically, treatments seek to improve motor function after an attack and work toward preventing further attacks. Sometimes, doctors prescribe medications for this purpose, but while somewhat effective, they can have adverse side effects that some patients find intolerable.

Another treatment for Multiple Sclerosis is physical therapy, which can help promote healthy motor and neural function in affected individuals. Through changes in exercise patterns and diet, patients can reduce the inflammation that arises with MS. Reduction of inflammation then leads to an alleviation of symptoms as well as an improvement in some pre-existing nerve damage.

Acupuncture is also an option for those individuals with MS. In fact, it is a very attractive option. Through the stimulation of specific points on the skin using thin needles, the flow of energy throughout the body is altered to positive effect. Typically, 4 to 12 areas will be stimulated per treatment session, and 6 to 10 sessions are required to determine whether the treatment is working. For MS, acupuncture has been shown to be effective in the relief of many symptoms, including sensory problems (tingling and numbness), depression, pain, spasticity, and some organ issues (particularly bladder problems).

Often, acupuncture points on the scalp are chosen based on what symptoms the patient is experiencing. When combined with moxibustion, acupuncture can significantly reduce recovery time. Acupuncture is most effective when coupled with changes in diet and physical therapy. Over 87% of patients have seen immediate improvement after just one session. In many cases, acupuncture patients see better improvement in their condition than they did with traditional treatments.

Acupuncture is effective not only in relieving the symptoms of MS and other autoimmune diseases but has also proven beneficial in the alleviation of their causes in some cases. If you suffer from one of these debilitating illnesses, seeking a consultation with a certified acupuncturist is a worthwhile option. Just because you have an illness does not mean you can’t go on living, and acupuncture offers you a way to do that.

From now until April 15, Dr. Michael Forman and his staff will be donating 10% of proceeds from paid booked appointments to the National MS Society.

To book your appointment today or to learn more about how Dr. Forman can help you with your MS symptoms, call 305-741-2102.

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