Acupuncture has a long list of proven benefits that are recommended by experts for both males and females. Although infertility treatments are commonly utilized by women, acupuncture is versatile in its ability to address infertility problems in men as well. In the past decades alone, sperm quality and the average sperm count in Americans has gone down to as much as 40% due to various factors brought on my modernity.
What Research Says
Research has shown that herbal medicines and acupuncture are effective treatments for individuals looking to enhance their fertility. In fact, in the book ‘The Infertility Cure’ by Randine Lewis, a PhD researcher, says that acupuncture can significantly increase sperm count percentage without any negative effects.
Sperm quality and production can also be improved by acupuncture by restoring hormonal balance.
How Acupuncture Works in Aiding Infertility
Acupuncture subscribes to the premise that all living creatures are formed with life energy called “Qi,” which circulates within our body’s subcutaneous space and inner pathways. Blockage and stagnation of these pathways can cause many health issues and diseases.
Since acupuncture effectively frees any blocked pathway within the body, it allows this energy to properly circulate again. Chinese medical experts state that restoring the natural balance of the body can provide treatment for male infertility.
Holistic Male Infertility Treatment Using Acupuncture
Chinese medical experts recommend using acupuncture in a series of treatments that take into account lifestyle factors, herbs, nutrition, exercise programs, as well as stress recovery for the best possible results. Any of these can be useful in aiding the effectiveness of an acupuncture program for infertility.
Some additional ways men can improve sperm quality along with acupuncture are eating organic foods, taking food-based supplements such as selenium and fish oil, avoiding saturated trans-fats, and maintaining normal body weight.
Acupuncture also helps a person manage stress levels better, which aids in all body system support; because of this acupuncture has a positive effect on male fertility.