Acupuncture for Chronic Fatigue
Acupuncture for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Acupuncture is an ancient medical practice that has been performed on patients across millennia. The treatment is an important part of traditional Chinese medicine. It involves the strategic application of very fine needles to particular parts of the body. The practice has provided real results for many sufferers of debilitating medical conditions.
Chronic fatigue syndrome, also known as fibromyalgia, is one of the conditions that can be effectively treated through acupuncture. Chronic fatigue syndrome can cause sufferers to have difficulty in undertaking everyday tasks. People who carry the burden of chronic fatigue syndrome are not just constantly tired, it is in fact much more serious than that. Those with chronic fatigue syndrome can have serious problems in doing what is required of them at home, at their place of employment, and in their social life, as they are constantly beset by the incapacitating condition.
An Increasing Body of Scientific Evidence
Fortunately, there is help available for sufferers of chronic fatigue syndrome, in the form of acupuncture. According to experts, there is now a significant and increasing scientific body of evidence to demonstrate the fact that acupuncture is a working treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome. Recent studies from China have concluded that acupuncture is more effective in alleviating the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome than other forms of traditional Chinese medicine, such as the treatment known as ‘Shenmai’ (a process of injection with special herbs).
These recent scientific studies have established that acupuncture can have the effect of reducing fatigue among sufferers. Debilitating side effects of chronic fatigue syndrome include what is known as ‘brain fog’, also known as ‘fibro fog’ or ‘cognitive dysfunction’. This can have a severe impact upon the lives of those people who suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome, often including a feeling of being overwhelmed and confused, a result of chronic fatigue. Thankfully, the studies out of China noted above have also come to the conclusion that acupuncture can help assuage cognitive difficulties such as brain fog.
Acupuncture Can Help Reduce Localized Pain
Studies have also found that acupuncture can be useful for some patients in relieving the particularly acute pain that comes as a consequence of chronic fatigue syndrome. This pain can often be localized to a specific part of the body, yet the feeling of discomfort can migrate over time to different areas, often making it frustratingly difficult for sufferers of chronic fatigue syndrome to indicate to their health practitioner what exactly the problem is.
Where some Western methods can be somewhat ineffective in treating the root cause of chronic fatigue syndrome, acupuncture, as a traditional Chinese medical treatment, has years of success behind it.
When utilized in combination with a balanced lifestyle, including a healthy diet, regular instances of exercise and time taken for relaxation, acupuncture can be an effective treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome. If you have suffered with chronic fatigue syndrome, make a change for the better today.